
2007-10-21 7:09 am
各位高手, 請問 " 等我給點顏色你看看 " 的真正英文翻譯是什麼 ?

回答 (8)

2007-10-21 12:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Let me give you a lecture.
Let me prove it to you.
The lession is never to try.


Kick your ass.
2007-10-25 2:58 am
Waiting for me for some colors , you have a look
2007-10-24 12:48 am
And so I point to the color you see

其實E個" 等我給點顏色你看看 " 係英文有諺語


參考: 自己
2007-10-21 7:43 am
I want to show you my true colours

to show what someone's real character is, especially when it is unpleasant

2007-10-20 23:52:39 補充:
You can't translate the sentence word- for-word since it's an idiom
2007-10-21 7:38 am
真正英文翻譯是:“ I want you have some lessons”.
註:這是比較客氣的說法,也付合英國人的紳士風度,即是“ 我想你有一些教訓”。
2007-10-21 7:34 am
And so I point to the color you see
2007-10-21 7:32 am
恕小弟學識膚淺,這是否Pure English?
參考: _
2007-10-21 7:18 am
Let me show you some colour

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