why temperature gained is not equal to temperature lost?

2007-10-21 6:25 am
Assume no heat lost to surrounding, when two objects A and B are placed in thermo-contact, heat transfers from A to B, why temperature increase of object B is not the same as temperature decrease of object A?

回答 (1)

2007-10-21 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since different objects have different specific heat capacity, so the temperature gained is not equal to temperature lost.
For example, the specific heat capacity of water is 4200J/kg/℃ but that of glass is 600J/kg/℃, so the energy used to heat the water up 1℃ is equal to the energy used to heat glass up 7℃.

2007-10-20 22:40:52 補充:
In fact, the energy gained is equal to the energy lost when assumming no heat loss.

2007-10-20 22:51:10 補充:
If you still don't understand, tell me~

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