急問@taxation-property tax

2007-10-21 3:52 am
This property was let on 1 April 2004 to Mr Lee. The term of the lease was two years and the monthly rent was $18000. The rates of $1300 per quarter, were paid by Mr Wong.
From 1 January 2006 onwards Mr Lee did not pay any rent. He moved out of the property on 31 March 2006 and left Hong Kong in June 2006.

On 1 May 2006 the property was let again to Mr Ho for a term of two years at a monthly rent of $ 16000. Mr Ho also paid Mr Wong an additional monthly charge of $500 as his share of the management fee for the preoperty. The rates of $1300 per quarter, were paid by Mr Wong.


In May 2007 Mr Lee returned to Hong Kong and paid the arrears of rent to Mr Wong. A legal cost of $1000 was incurred by Mr Wong for the recovery of these arrears. 我想問2006/07個NAV 主要想知Mr Lee 離開左HK會唔會計係bad debts

回答 (1)

2007-10-22 12:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The term of the rental is 2 years from 01/04/04-31/03/05 & 01/04/05-31/03/2006.

Rent to Mr. Ho from 01/05/06-31/03/2007


Rent from 01/04/05-31/03/06 $216,000
Less: rates ($5,200)
Less: 20% statutory outgoings ( 42,160)
Net assessable value $168,640

Tax payable at 16% $26,982

From 1 January 2006 onwards Mr Lee did not pay any rent. He moved out of the property on 31 March 2006 and left Hong Kong in June 2006.
On 1 May 2006 the property was let again to Mr Ho for a term of two years at a monthly rent of $ 16000. Mr Ho also paid Mr Wong an additional monthly charge of $500 as his share of the management fee for the preoperty. The rates of $1300 per quarter, were paid by Mr Wong.

Rental income from 01/05/06-31/03/07 $176,000
less : bad debts ($18,000x3) ($54,000 )
Assessable value $122,000
Less: rates ($5,200)
Less: 20% statutory outgoings ($23,360)
Net asessable value 93,440

Tax at 16% $14,950
Less: tax paid on 2005/2006 ( $26,982)
Refund of tax overpaid $12,032

In May 2007 Mr Lee returned to Hong Kong and paid the arrears of rent to Mr Wong. A legal cost of $1000 was incurred by Mr Wong for the recovery of these arrears.

Rental income $16,000x12 $192,000
Bad debts recovery $18,000x3 $54,000
Assessable value $246,000
Less: rates ($5,200)
Less: 20% statutory outgoings ($48,160)
Assessable value $192,640

Tax at 16% $30,822.40



主要想知Mr Lee 離開左HK會唔會計係bad debts
No. Rental for 2 years from 01/04/04-31/03/06 Only bad debts from 01/01/06-31/03/06.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:01:07
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