format完 開唔返d珍貴資料啊

2007-10-21 3:37 am
因電腦format and re-install windows ~事先有先把重要資料夾移至其他硬碟後來電腦re-install windows後
開啟另一driver 資料夾卻跑出資料無法存取文件,我並沒有設定任何加密措施

之前還跑出本來資料夾本來檔名本來是黑體字 卻變成綠體字 也太奇怪了吧!! 各位大大幫幫忙 萬分感謝!!

回答 (3)

2007-10-21 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Normally, if you are using administrator to log in windows, you should read all information on the system.
If you cannot open old folder or file, you can graint the write permission of administrator for all of your old data.
Highlight the folder and right-click it, add administrator to full control on the permission.
try open it or read the file/folder.
If this method failed, use NTFS DOS extrator,
this program can help you to copy the data from NTFS to a backup media. Then you can save the extracted data on to FAT file system which did not have permission control.
Then try to read the data.
If the above method failed, try to pay money for the professional data recovery, dismount your harddisk and bring it to the company shop which provide data recovery service.
good luck
2007-10-31 2:23 pm
2007-10-22 12:32 am

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