急問國際大公司的technology logistic and SCM

2007-10-21 1:46 am
大家有冇d 乜case studies 可以show 曬成條Supply Chain (由Supplier manufactures distibutor retailer customer)同有咩 technology involved in logistics system ~~係要國際大公司出口或入口公司呀~~香港出產個d 唔算同埋logistics co. 都唔算(hactl AAT)....大家有無呀???我要兩間~~
e.g. of Information Systems
1 Communications
E-mail EDI Internet XML GPS
2 Automatic Identification Systems
Bar code RFID Point of Sale (POS)
3 Software Applications
SRM CRM SCM Procurement TMS WMS OMS CMS Demand Planning

回答 (1)

2007-10-23 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Kenny 和 National

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