f.3 phy

2007-10-21 1:17 am
f.3 phy
我學緊internal energy
when we put a spoon into a bowl of hot soup.what wil happen??

1.the internal energy of the soup decreases.
2.the spoon stores more heat
我choose左 2...y吾岩???

回答 (2)

2007-10-21 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
definition of heat :
Heat is the (thermo)energy transferred as a result of temperature difference between two systems.

Internal energy is the total kinetic energy and potential energy of all the particles (molecules/atomic entities) making up the body. It can be increased by heating or working

Temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy of all particles making up a body.

=average kinetic energy of all particles making up a body↑.
=internal energy of the body↑ (potential energy is constant)

2007-10-21 13:47:34 補充:
as the energy of the spoon increased, the energy of the soup decreasedwhat is store more heat? store more (thermo)energy transferred ??is is non-sense to say store heat in PHY
參考: my physic knowledge
2007-10-22 1:19 am
The answer should be 1
When the spoon is put into the soup, the temperature of the soup lowers because of transfer of some heat energy to the sppon.
Since internal energy of the soup depends on its temperature (the lower the temperature, the less the internal energy will be), a fall in temperature indicates a decrease of internal energy.

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