English poem

2007-10-21 1:08 am

回答 (2)

2007-10-21 2:01 am
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1. Rhymes [同韻語,押韻詞]
I was in the house,
When I saw a mouse.
House is a rhyme for mouse.

2. Rhythm [節奏;韻律]
I was in the house,
When I saw a mouse.
These two sentences have got the same rhythm. They've both got 5 syllables[音節].

3. Alliteration [頭韻(法)]
The snake is slithering silently.
Snake, slithering and silently have got the same first letter, which is an alliteration.

4. Personification [擬人法]
The sun is smiling at us.
Smile is only used for people, so the sun is described like a person, which makes the sentence more interesting.

2007-10-20 18:04:03 補充:
1.Rain 雨Rain is falling all around, 雨兒在到處降落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和樹梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在這邊的雨傘上, And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船隻

2007-10-20 18:05:51 補充:
6.COLORS 顏色 [1] What is pink? A rose is pink 什麼是粉紅色? By the fountain's brink. 噴泉邊的玫瑰就是粉紅色。 [2]What is red? A poppy's red 什麼是艷紅色? In its barley bed. 在大麥床裡的罌粟花就是艷紅色。 [3] What is blue? The sky is blue 什麼是蔚藍色?天空就是蔚藍色, Where the clouds float thro'. 雲朵飄過其間。

2007-10-20 18:06:20 補充:
[4] What is white? A swan is white 什麼是白色? Sailing in the light. 陽光下嬉水的天鵝就是白色。 [5]What is yellow? Pears are yellow, 什麼是黃色?梨兒就是黃色, Rich and ripe and mellow. 熟透且多汁。 [6]What is green? The grass is green, 什麼是綠色?草就是綠色, With small flowers between. 小花摻雜其間。

2007-10-20 18:06:49 補充:
[7]What is violet? Clouds are violet 什麼是紫色?夏日夕陽裡的 In the summer twilight. 彩霞就是紫色。 [8]What is orange? Why, an orange, 什麼是橘色?當然啦! Just an orange! 橘子就是橘色。---------- by C. G. Rossetti

2007-10-21 00:46:54 補充:
O Sailor, Come Ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧(Part I)O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧What have you brought for me? 你給我帶來什麼?Red coral , white coral, 海裏的珊瑚, Coral from the sea. 紅的,白的。

2007-10-21 00:47:15 補充:
(Part II)I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我從地下挖的, Nor pluck it from a tree; 也不是從樹上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴風雨的海裹 In the stormy sea. 弱小昆蟲做成的。 ~by C. G. Rossetti
2007-10-21 2:13 am
1. On His Seventy-fifth Birthday 《為七十五歲生日而作》

I strove with none, for none was worth my strife.
Nature I loved and , next to Nature, Art:
I warmed both hands before the fire of life;
It sinks, and I am ready to depart.


2. My Puppy Loves Flowers
by Bruce Lansky

My puppy’s in the garden.
He loves to smell the flowers.
To help them grow my puppy always
sprinkles them with showers.

3. Rain 《雨 》
by R. L. Stevenson ( 1850-1894 )

Rain is falling all around,
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrella here,
And on the ships at sea.


4. O Sailor, Come Ashore 《啊!水手,上岸吧 》
by C. G. Rossetti

O sailor, come ashore
What have you brought for me?
Red coral , white coral,
Coral from the sea.


5. THE WIND 《風》
by C. G. Rossetti

O wind , why do you never rest,
Wandering, whistling to and fro,
Bring rain out of the west,
From the dim north bringing snow?


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