what is car in chi?

2007-10-21 1:02 am
what is car in chi?

回答 (3)

2007-10-21 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
你指其 中文解釋 ?

KK: [ kar]
1. a wheeled vehicle running on tracks to carry passengers, baggage, or freight
2. the basket suspended beneath a balloon to contain the balloonist
3. an automobile
4. the cage of an elevator
5. a chariot of war cart

希望能解決你的問題 =]
參考: 字典 "
2007-10-22 9:20 pm
Car chi is 車or 車輛or車子!!
參考: snoopy!!
2007-10-21 2:06 am
There are four meanings fpr car in Chinese
1. 汽車
2. 有軌電車
3. 火車車廂
4. (氣球,飛船,纜車)吊艙;(電梯)升降廂

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