唔該幫我change to 英文

2007-10-21 1:01 am

回答 (2)

2007-10-21 2:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 他不斷追求進步
He is constantly in pursuit of progress (較深), OR
He never stops improving himself (較淺)

2. 他從不回望
He never looks back.

3. 他的努力得到明顯的結果
His perseverance has earned him remarkable results (較深), OR
His hard work has shown notable results (較淺)

4. 我不能原地踏步
It is not for me to make no headway, OR
I cannot remain to be the same old me without making progress.

5. 票房
Box office

2007-10-20 19:09:30 補充:
in pursuit (of something) = 尋求、追求(eg.in pursuit of happiness 追求快樂, in pursuit of knowledge 尋求知識);constantly = 不斷、連續發生perseverance = 堅持不懈make headway (成語) = 取得進展, make no headway 即 ‘毫無寸進’ 或 ‘原地踏步’再有字唔識, 自己查字典.
2007-10-21 2:08 am
1 he pursues a progress continuously
2 he never returns to hope
3 he gets hard of obvious result
4 I can't mark time at first
5 box offices

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