
2007-10-21 12:52 am
runescape dragon slayer:dragon is use magic or hand??
Plz answer!!!!

have 5 score.......


use which clothes is the best??

回答 (5)

2007-10-21 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果唔用佢俾你個隻盾, 噴火攻擊可以扣65hp

2007-10-20 17:02:40 補充:
佢俾你個隻盾 = anti dragonfire shield
2007-10-27 8:41 pm
this dragon is use hand.
I suggest you use rune dagger,rune chain,rune plateleg,rune full helm,amult of strengh
and anti dragon shield to fight it.
also,you must bring a lot of cooked lobsters or cooked swordfishs.
it weak against crush and stab attacks, and has a resistance to Slash attacks.
so you should not use scimlar to fight it.
參考: me
2007-10-27 3:02 am
u better kill the dragon with a sword(maybe adamant long sword or up)n rember DO NOT USE SLASH!use stab,the dragon is bad on stab,n good at slash!n dont forget to bring fire dragon shield!or u will die very easy...

if u still need help,go to n click free quest n click dragon slayer,then u will get all the information abt dragon slayer!

hope my information help u!good luck!

2007-10-26 19:05:20 補充:
n also remeber 2 bring food(lobster or swordfish is recommend)my acc:best magin(main)other acc:dark engry(other main but lower lvl)
參考: i write my self..
2007-10-26 3:27 am
wait a minute
are u member or free?
if u are free, there is only one quest that u can actually fight dragon
that is "dragon slayer"
There is no space for u to hide so using magic is worthless
that dragon is using hand to attack
if u are member, there are many place for u to hide but be careful, some dragons breath is long ranged(like magic), if u do not drink anti d breath potion, u would be dead meat.
all dragon uses hand to attack, some high lvl use all 3 kind of attack style(hand, magic, ranged)
2007-10-23 6:30 am

I dont suggest this one. There is no where you can hide, and you will get killed easily without armor.

Hand (Melee),

Best is to wear full addamentite, or if better addamentite platebody and rune others.
You must bring along the Anti-Dragon Shield, or you will die fast. Most important is to bring food.

Hope you like my answer, Noname00001

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