
2007-10-20 6:46 pm

回答 (3)

2007-10-23 7:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
定存未到期提取, 一般都是要付罰款/罰息給銀行. 即是客戶不會獲得定存利息, 反而要付息給銀行, 結果提取金額比定存本金要少. 但若有些客戶是把那筆定存轉往投資產品, 很多銀行為求做生意, 都會免罰息.

1. 本金 (Principal)
2. 定存時期 (Tenor)
3. 定存利率 (Contract interest rate)
4. 資金成本 (Cost of fund)

距離到期日越近, 罰息的金額亦會相對減少. 但實際罰息的金額, 分行職員都是要從 Treasury 報價回來的. 而且很多銀行都設有最低收費 (大約 $200 - $300), 即是就算報價回來只需罰 $10, 亦都要付最低罰款. 所以銀碼細的定存若要未到期提取, 可能會很不化算.
參考: 呢件事係由銀行小職員話你知~
2007-10-20 7:04 pm


所涉及之罰款是依據每間銀行所定之規則及計算方法的, 亦要視乎你提早支取銀行定期存款的日期跟原本到期日相差時間的長短作計算因素的一部份。

請先跟有關的銀行了解一下, 他們會很樂意向你作出詳細的解說。

2007-10-21 6:50 am
It depends on the bank policy. Different banks have different bank policies.

Some banks will just give you back the principle without interest; some may charge you penalties, but it really depends on the due date of the deposit, sooner the depoist will be due, less penalties will be charged. Besides, the penalty interest rate may relate to the bank prime rate (about 7.75% to 8.25%), instead of the time deposit interest rate that the bank offered you. If your deposit is in foreign currency, the penalty interest rate may be even higher.
參考: My experience

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