Y.M.C.A係who do ???

2007-10-20 5:25 pm

回答 (1)

2007-10-20 9:49 pm
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I think you should ask ' Who founded Y.M.C.A ' then it would be better

The Young Men's Christian Association ("YMCA " or "the Y") is a world-wide, largely nonsectarian and apolitical social movement with a special emphasis on community development and young people. It uses a holistic approach to individual and social development encompassing spiritual, intellectual and physical methods. This approach is symbolised by the inverse red triangle used by YMCAs around the world representing the YMCA mission of building a healthy spirit, mind, and body.

The YMCA was founded in London, England, on June 6, 1844, by Sir George Williams as a result of his desire to "win souls to Christ" in the midst of the unhealthy social conditions in London during the Industrial Revolution. Since then the YMCA has grown to become a world-wide movement of more than 45 million members from 124 national federations affiliated through the World Alliance of YMCAs.

In 1844, the concept of a YMCA, which began among evangelicals, was unusual because it crossed the rigid lines that separated the different churches and social classes of England, making the YMCA a pioneer of ecumenism. This openness was a trait that would eventually lead to the inclusion of women and children and a culture of acceptance of people of different faiths and backgrounds. Today, the degree to which religion is emphasized in programs varies between individual YMCA associations. Generally, YMCAs are open to all, regardless of faith, social class, age, or gender.[1]

Its name represents something of an anachronism, but it has been retained as a strong brand name.

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基督教青年會(Young Men's Christian Association,簡稱YMCA),是一個國際性的基督教青年組織,在世界上120個國家設有分會。其宗旨是通過建立健康的精神、頭腦和身體以實現基督教的準則。1844年成立於英國倫敦。1878年設總部於瑞士日內瓦至今。

基督教青年會最早在中國設立的組織是在1885年,由傳教士施美志在福州英華書院,傳教士畢海瀾在北京通州潞河書院,分別成立的學校青年會。以後各地陸續成立青年會。1895年10月,基督教青年會北美協會派遣在中國出生的青年會幹事來會理(David Willard Lyon)到中國發展組織,於當年12月8日在天津正式成立了天津基督教青年會,當時的稱呼叫做「學塾基督會」。1897年6月6日,會所落成。到1912年,青年會在中國已經設立市會25處,校會125處。

基督教青年會在中國的全國組織在1912年成立於上海。當時的名稱是「中華基督教青年會全國組合」(The National Committee of the Y.M.C.A. in China),首任總幹事為美國人巴樂滿(Fletcher Sims Brockman ),副總幹事為王正廷。1915年11月改稱「中華基督教青年會全國協會」(Young Men's Christian Association of China),一直沿用至今。1915年,巴樂滿返美後由王正廷接任。王正廷後來還曾任北洋政府代總理和國民黨政府外交部長。1917年余日章接替王正延擔任總幹事,直到1936年。1936年-1949年總幹事是梁小初。1949年之後是塗羽卿。



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