Refraction of visible spectrum in a prism

2007-10-20 4:37 pm
Why red light bends the least and violet light bends the most?
I always feel that red light bends the most because:
Wavelength of red light is the longest among visible spectrum.
By the formula v = fλ, since the frequencies of all lights from the same source are the same, red light has the highest speed. So it bends the most.
What's wrong?

I still don't understand. If all light have the same speed, the degree of refraction will be the same. But why they show different degree of refraction?

回答 (2)

2007-10-20 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, all the light have the same speed no matter if it is visible or non-visible. Visible light, such as violet, yellow, and red, and non-visible light, such as, infrard red, ultraviolet. All have the same speed of 3 * 10^8 m/s. According to the equation, frequency = speed of light * wavelength. They have different frequency. They come from the same source doesn't mean they have the same frequency because frequency means how many waves would travel within one second. If the spectrums have different wavelegth, for sure the number of waves travel per second would be different.

Second, the phenomenon you mentioned is also known as dispersion.
Dispersion is the phenomenon where a wave spreads out because it passes through a medium of which the index of refraction varies as the wave passes through it (this is how a rain bow arises).

Dispersion results from the fact that light of different frequencies pass through transparent matter at different effective speeds. This means that the index of refraction is frequency dependent. Blue light has a slower effective speed than red light through glass, so it has a higher index of refraction and bends more than red.

2007-10-20 09:51:57 補充:
Sorry, I typed it wrong on line 4: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. Not speed of light * wavelength.
2008-02-17 3:23 am

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