"造假帳" 和 "週轉不靈" 的英文應該點寫??

2007-10-20 9:39 am
"造假帳" 和 "週轉不靈" 的英文應該點寫??

回答 (4)

2007-10-20 12:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
造假帳 = cook the books
i.e. He does not cook the books, because it is illegal. 他不會做假賬,因為那是違法的。
週轉不靈 = insufficient cashflow
參考: Myself . 我住在美國
2007-10-20 10:23 am
造假帳 false accounting

週轉不靈 cashflow problem
參考: me
2007-10-20 9:51 am
造假帳- Fraud reporting
週轉不靈- Cashflow problem
2007-10-20 9:48 am
造假帳 - Fraud deposit
週轉不靈 - financial problem

I hope it helps
參考: me

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