What to do with my cat that is hiding under the couch?

2007-10-19 10:27 pm
I just moved to a new place and I think my cat is freaking out. He won’t eat and drink and has been hiding under the couch. He wouldn’t let me hold him either. Coincidentally, my carpet is the same color as the cat -- I wonder if that’s freaking him out too. My cat is 20 months old.

回答 (7)

2007-10-19 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it is probabbly a big change for your cat try to get your cat and put all its food water and litter box in a small room and keep your cat in that room for about a week then after a week has past open the door and let your cat open up to your new place....i hope that works out for you,
2007-10-24 4:51 am
keep him in an empty room for like 30 min. with food water and his litter box.
2007-10-24 1:28 am
Just leave her be.It's very traumatic for them to move seeing as how they are very territorial.
2007-10-20 12:23 pm
just give him time...he'll get used to it, and begin to let you hold him more!
2007-10-20 6:23 am
everyone has a valid point. he has to get familiar with his surroundings just make sure you leave his food, water, and litterbox out for him to get to and leave him alone he'll come around..
2007-10-20 5:57 am
It's the stress of moving. Just leave her be for a couple of days, she'll come to you! Maybe coax her with some (cooked) chicken breast meat. But just let her get used to her new surroundings, she'll be fine.
2007-10-20 5:38 am
Have you bought new furniture? Sometimes cats that are territorial prefer old familiar things to new ones. He was familiar with your old house, and all the smells and sounds. It probably has nothing to do with the color of the carpet. Try using your old stuff, if you have it, or give your cat something familiar. If nothing works, try talking to your vet.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:18:08
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