reason of being an only child better than one with siblings

2007-10-20 7:09 am
i want to ask what is the reason of being an only child better than one with siblings?
can you give me the ideas with details? thx!

回答 (2)

2007-10-20 4:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. better educated
- getting all the resources (money, time, attention) from the parents to receive better education and participate extra curricular activities which require charges
2. independent/stronger character
- no brothers/sisters will play with and the child has to play with kids from other families, and will develop more open character and develop self-esteem and recognition among his/her neighbours/classmates (a larger group as compared with the small circle of oneself and siblings only)
- no need to compare the academic/non-academic results with brothers/sisters, and strive for his/her own goal
- accountable to parents only, and need not get his/her parents' attention by outperforming the siblings or making false complaints on the siblings
3. Have a better environment to grow up
- usually the living area of a typical family in HK is small, the parents may not be able to afford buying/renting an apartment of more bedrooms
- the parents can afford taking the child on overseas tour during summer vacation or Christmas time, and the horizons of the child can be broadened when he/she is still a kid
- the child will hear less complaints from his/her parents about financial burdens of rearing him/her
2007-10-20 9:13 am
Being the only child and get all the attention u want from ur parents and relatives. Nobody would fight with u for sharing the toys, clothings, computer etc. parents would spoil u as they don't hv any other child to spoil. u become the precious one.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:39:43
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