
2007-10-20 1:50 am
a postman delivers 3 letters randomly into 4 boxes. what is the probability that all the letters are put in the same box?

回答 (3)

2007-10-22 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually you need not think too difficultly...


For 3 letters to be put in the same box...
(A) Letter 1 can be put in any box
(B) Letter 2 MUST be put in the box that contain letter 1
(C) Letter 3 MUST be put in the box that contain letter 1

P(all 3 letters to be put in the same box)
=P(A, B, C happens together)
=P(Letter 1 put in any box) x P(Letter 2 put in the box that contain letter 1) x P(Letter 3 put in the box contain letter 1)
= 1 x 1/4 x 1/4
= 1/16
參考: the key is 1/4 need not times itself by 3 times, since there is not restriction on where should the 1st letter to be placed
2007-10-20 1:55 am

2007-10-21 10:16:01 補充:
sorry..計錯了..太大意P=probability有abcd四個box當你放係a box到先啦每封letter放係a box ge P係1/4第一封:1/4如果第二封都要放係a box到ge P:1/4 x 1/4 = 1/16如果第三封都要放係a box到ge P:1/4 x 1/4x 1/4 = 1/64即係話all the letters are put in the a box:1/64but依家有abcd 四個box 每個ge P:1/64the answer is 1/64 x 4 = 1/16
2007-10-20 1:54 am
probability that all 3 letters are put in the same box
= (1/4)^3
= 1/64

2007-10-19 17:56:02 補充:
1/4 means 1 box out of the 4 boxes,^3 means to the power 3, because the same box is chosen 3 times.
參考: me

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