Nikon 新機 D300 和 Nikon D200 邊部強勁D?

2007-10-19 11:34 pm
which one is more powerful (i mean overall ) and what are their price? thx a lot

回答 (1)

2007-10-20 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sure D300 la... otherwise, why Nikon will have D300 and not just keep D200??

D300 still have no price yet.. being the product will release on end of Nov.. I think in HK, you may able to get it before Chinese New Year!!!

But information from some local forum, D300 price may ask for $15,000 .... (body)

D300... even the 51 focus point, it already is GOOD for us... The noise controll better than D200 as well. (sample compare from forum)

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