
2007-10-19 8:52 pm
唔知點解,,我既手指use同手機用果d SD卡
電腦說 : 你的磁碟尚未格式化
磁碟內的資料會全不見的= =|||
重點是 : 我只想拿回磁碟內的資料T__T


但我唔要BadCopy Pro!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-10-19 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For your SD card, with your phone....
I would suggest you to find a way to connect your phone to the computer, of course with your SD card inside your phone...bluetooth? phone link cable? if you have internet access...email from your phone?

or borrow a device that could read your card, and could connect to any computer to do the data transfer...

also, you may want to try to use another computer to try and read your USB finger and your SD card...there's always a chance that your computer USB port driver/ card reader is faulty...so there are still hope...

** There are all sorts of software/ programs that could help you, but they all comes with price, normally will cost about US$50-70...and those trial version only allows to recover ONE files <2MB per day...so...if you really want to try, handyrecovery, NTFS Partition data recovery software
are just a couple of suggestion.

**little advise...if the files/documents are really important, strongly suggest you to backup them every now and then la...ie, every week...just to be safe~!
2007-10-20 12:13 am
其實最佳做法 , 是首先將你既手指use同手機用果d SD卡內的所有資料備份COPY 到另一部電腦到先 , 正常情況都可以備份COPY 到另一部電腦 , 以備用 .

好嘞回到自己部電腦 , 插回你既手指use,( 只係做手指use一樣嘢先) 不要格式化 , 試下開啟我的電腦,在(手指) R CLICK 點選 >內容( R ),開啟後再點選 >工具, 在檢查錯誤中點選 >立即檢查( C ),會彈出,檢查磁碟(手指)視窗,在檢查磁碟選項,勾選 >自動修正檔案系統錯誤( A ) 及 >掃瞄和嘗試恢復損毀的磁區( N )按開始( S ),完成後,試下開唔開到隻手指 .會唔會再出要格式化 .如果沒有的話再做其他如手機用果d SD卡 ( 做法如上 )
又如果個不成功都係要你格式化 , 咁就格式化囉 , 你都有備份COPY啦, 唔怕無左D資料啦.

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