
2007-10-19 8:28 am
today,i want to take what movie i like.

last week i saw the movie,Die Hard4.it is a wonderful action film.because its special effects is very excellent,especial one phase of in movie,the policecar rush down the helicopter,it is the most exciting phase of in film,and its story line is not boring,.so i love this movie.

the actor and actress of in film,they are handsome and pretty.my faourite movie star is burce willis,i think he is the soul of the movie.


我想表達既內容係"上星期我睇左套電影,die hard4.佢係一套出色既動作戲,因為佢既特技做得好好,特別係電影中既一段,架警車撞低左架直昇機,呢段戲係最剌激既,而且故事情節都唔悶,所以我好鍾意呢套戲. 戲中既男女主角都好有型同幾靚,而我最鍾意既明星就係burce willis,我覺得佢係全套戲既靈魂." 我想表達既意思就係咁,不過我d英文好差,所以想請各位好心人幫我改正錯誤,唔該!

回答 (3)

2007-10-19 4:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Today I want to talk about what movie I like.

last week I saw a movie, Die Hard 4 .It is a wonderful action film because its special effects is very excellent especially one phase in movie. The policecar rush down the helicopter. It is the most exciting phase in the movie and its story line is interesting too. So I love this movie.

The leading man and leadying lady in film.They are handsome and pretty respectively. My favorite movie star is burce willis. I think he is the soul of the movie.
2007-10-20 9:03 am
Today I want to talk about the movie I watched last week, Die Hard 4. It's a terrific action movie with its great special effects. I was especially stunned by the scene when the police patrol car crashes to the helicopter which brings me the greatest excitement from the movie. In addition to this, the plot is exciting and creative, that's why I love this movie so much.

Both the leading roles in the movie are gorgeous. And for my favourite actor, Bruce Wills, I think he is the soul of the movie.
參考: me
2007-10-19 9:37 am
I saw the movie Die Hard 4 last week. It was a very good action movie because the special effects were very excited. There was a scene the cop vehicle crashed the helicopter down. This was the most exciting scene of the movie. Since the story line of the movie is not boring, I love this movie.

The main charters both were pretty and handsome. My favorite actor, Bruce Willis, was the main charter of the movie. I think he was the soul of the movie.
參考: I hope it helps

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