用V-Gear TV Box 駁 Philip 20.1 吋闊熒幕顯示器 200WS8FB/69

2007-10-19 7:28 am
V-Gear TV Box 最高可以提供到1280x1024的解像度,
而Philip 面板是1680 x 1050 像素。
因已有TV box,淨係想upgrade個LCD Mon,唔使買LCD TV。

回答 (1)

2007-10-19 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
效果好唔好... it depend on your TV Box chip set, base on your information, the TV Box output support 1280x1024, but your display 面板是1680 x 1050 像素, it only mean the point to point display is 1680x1050 BEST resolution is 1680x1050,

And also, check your TV Box can adjust the resolution or not. how about your display card can support that resolution or not? And make sure to install the Monitor driver as well, it was because, the Monitor driver may come with their support resolution. You can set the resolution what you want.

效果好唔好 - sure the TV tuner is NOT better than LCD TV.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 19:26:24
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