
2007-10-19 6:05 am
nikon 鏡頭:AF-S DX 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G
how much is it now ?
and is it good?

回答 (2)

2007-10-19 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
支鏡除咗光圈比細小小之外,其實畫質唔錯的,我同事用過佢同鏡皇17-55 mm f2.8比較,好多情況都分唔到高下.係一支價錢合理,又最啱一般用既鏡頭.以下係支鏡既review.

2007-10-19 12:55:04 補充:
其實18-135mm畫質唔會同18-70mm差好遠,這要視乎你最終要俾幾多錢啦,如果你買kit set有優惠,咁要18-135mm都冇壞既,不過我自己就鐘意18-70mm多啲,始終唔係好接受到18-135mm用膠mount.同埋70mm叫做夠用,135mm係長小小,但變焦倍數太高始終對畫質唔係咁好.以下係18-135mm的review.http://www.photozone.de/8Reviews/lenses/nikkor_18135_3556/index.htm
2007-10-19 8:15 pm
The cost around $2000 . This is a kit lens since Nikon D70, And this is the FIRST DX format lens, And most of the user experience say, this lens is the MOST value lens for DX format...

Please be aware that, DX lens only can use for DX formation DSLR, not able to use on Film body or Full Frame body.

*** I only have ONE DX Format so far (18-70 3.5-4.5), and for the rest, I invest $$ on NOT DX format lens for my future update the body and can use (Full Frame)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 21:06:28
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