English Translating

2007-10-19 3:18 am
""Students who attended a tough military training camp said they would never again take their comfortable lifestyles for granted. ""
在這句內,""granted"" 點解?係verb定係noun定係其他?最適合既同義詞係咩?仲有,要一句例句。

回答 (3)

2007-10-19 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
‘Granted’ 單獨一個字可以解 ‘不錯’、‘我承認’, 屬 verb, 同義詞有 'admit'、'concede'、'accept'、'agree' 等。
不過, ‘granted’ 用於問題那句子是另外一解法、另一part of speech。在 “Students who attended a tough military training camp said they would never again take their comfortable lifestyles for granted” 中, ‘take it (something) for granted’ 是 idiom, ‘認為是必然的’、‘想當然’ 的意思 (‘granted’一字不能單獨理解或運用)。句子解:曾經參與一個艱辛的軍事訓練營的學生表示, 他們從此也不會把自己享有的舒適生活當成是理所當然了。
另一例句:Remember to turn off the tap every time you finish washing your hands, don't take our fresh water supply for granted。
2007-10-19 3:40 am
Take something for granted means : 認為某樣嘢係理所當然 (即係:老馮) (it is a phrase.)

Mean: You believe that something is true or you accept it as normal without thinking about it.

2007-10-18 19:48:10 補充:
for synonym (同義詞) : suppose, presume, expect..eg: He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative.suppose: It had been supposed that by then Peter would be married.(some say " Granted " is an adverb)
參考: from dictionary (collins cobuild----see Grant) 中文: from myself / or dictionary
2007-10-19 3:37 am
take it for granted即係當某樣野係奉旨咁,1D都唔重視
eg, i would not take my allowance for granted and i will fully utilize it.

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