
2007-10-19 12:05 am
除了Simple Present Tense,Present Continouos Tense,Present Perfect Tense,Simple Past Tense,Past Continouos Tense,Simple Future Tense,Future Continouos Tense,Future Perfect Tense之外,仲有d乜Tense!!!????????

回答 (3)

2007-10-27 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案

當咱們表達在未來的一段特定的時間內將會完成的事時,就會用上 Future Perfect Tense。
E.g.:You can borrow the book next Monday. I'll have finished it by then.
E.g.:You can come to my office tomorrow. I'll have been back to Hong Kong tonight.
E.g.:Don't worry, I'll have finished the homework by the end of tonight.
E.g.:The dinner will have been ready by the time you return to home tonight.

心水清的一定會發現每一句都會有一個 by 字,這個 by 是用來界定一個特定的時間。不過除了用 by 之外,當然還可以以其他字來界定時間。
End of this part----

Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense 表示一個動作比 Simple Future Tense 更早發生,持續至 Simple Future,有可能會超越 Simple Future。
它的用法與 Present Perfect Continuous Tense 及 Past Perfect Continuous Tense
E.g.:By the end of next year, I will have been living here for 5 years.
End of the Section.

2007-10-19 12:18 am
1. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
2. Past Perfect Tense
3. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
參考: me
2007-10-19 12:09 am
Imperfect------------------e.g. I used to go.

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