
2007-10-18 8:48 pm

回答 (3)

2007-10-18 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oh! sounds like your LV still quite new and
you should avoid bring your bag out when it's raining.

Anyway, what you should do is ONCE you realised it's wet, you should put some water (just small amount) to spread the whole leather so to make it darken evenly. Just imagine, if the whole leather is the same colour as your water mark then you shouldn't see the different right? I can imagine your bag is now have the water mark, and that part is darker.

here are some options of what you can do:
1) just leave it like this because the lighter colour part will turn honey anyway and it may end up cover the dark watermark (if the watermark is not that dark!).
2) you can try the method I told you above but because I haven't seen your bag and I don't feel comfortable to ask you to do it just as I said. Bring the bag back to LV to ask for their recommendation. A good LV sales could tell you what to do.

Good luck
2007-10-18 10:14 pm
我都試過喎, 個袋第二次用就遇著落雨, 不過用多排就變蜜糖色, 唔多覺眼lu,不過佢濕左之後,你咪用手摸個個位喎,唔係越摸越污"租".
參考: 自己
2007-10-18 9:36 pm
無辦法消失的. 因為已經"食"了入在皮內.

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