
2007-10-18 5:26 pm
拿, 假設外太空冇空氣, 冇離子, 係真真正正既真空. 用溫度計量度, 係絕對0度K, absolute zero果隻.
咁人唔著住保溫既野, 例如只有氣壓衣. 外面冇空氣傳熱, 咪好似真空保溫瓶, 咁體溫咪唔會散出去外面, 咪唔覺得絕對0度K係凍既囉?

回答 (4)

2007-10-19 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually this way of thinking is correct. It is almost vaccum in space, so the only way for heat transfer is through radiation. Your body temperate is only a few hundred K so, yes, you will still radiate and loss energy -- but very slowly. So you don't really feel cold at all.

Of course, when you happened to touch another piece of material in space which is close to 0K, and it has high conductivity -- that way then you will feel cold. Conductivity is another important factor. For example you will much colder when touch a piece of metal at 0C than touching a piece of wood at the same temperature, because conductivity of metal is higher.

So all it comes down to whether you in direct contact with something or not. You don't "feel cold" unless you touch something of a large enough quantity at lower temperature than you do.
2007-10-18 9:15 pm
2007-10-18 5:38 pm
2007-10-18 5:29 pm
it is cold

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