Im Buying A Digital Camera...i need some help?

2007-10-18 4:35 am
ok so im getting a pay check (my first for my new job) and i wanna treat myself with a digi cam.
the thing is i dont wanna spend a $hitload of money on that means no sony or canon.

i was thinking mor eof an HP photosmart becasue i have the hp photosmart printer and an hp laptop.

its a good price but idk about the details i.e. megapixels and stuff, im CLUELESS so is it a good deal?

nothing is wrong with sony or canon...i just dont wanna pay 300$ when i can pay 100$

回答 (5)

2007-10-18 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't have all the answers, but what I can tell you is not to get suckered into buying a camera with more than 5 pixels. After that they tend to get really pricey, and the end result between a 5 and an 8 pixel, is barely noticeable. Check out the Consumer Reports and see what they have to say. They are a great tool for shoppers.
2007-10-18 11:48 am
buy something on sale. kodak is nice too. i have one that i bougt 6 years ago, and it's still working. i just recently bought another kodak with 12x zoom the only problem is the battery, i bought rechargable batteries and charger separately. go to this website - to read about camera reviews and view sample pictures.
2007-10-18 11:41 am
buy it use it, put it away till christmas, in 12-18 months replace it

2007-10-18 10:58 pm
what's wrong with sony or canon?
2007-10-18 11:44 am
the more megapixels the better quality the pics. And you can buy a sony or cannon for cheap.

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