如何解決顯示卡與windows xp不相容

2007-10-18 7:53 am
我剛買了一套新電腦,但裝完windows xp sp2後再裝winfast px8400gs的display card driver後重新開機就load完windows開機畫面(裝的時候會彈出未能通過windows的檢測),但進入xp 後螢幕就無顯示,但實際係電腦正常運作的,已經試過其他版本的driver但都無用,如何解決這個問題呢

回答 (2)

2007-10-18 5:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Impossible... for my experience.. this is not the problem of XP SP2 or 未能通過windows的檢測... I think some of the driver you install wrong... or OTHER device driver problem.

Did you go to winfast web page and see any updated driver? Try to install it and see any problem... Or you can go to Nvdia web page and download 通過windows的檢測 driver.. you will know what problem.

May be you can remove and install the card to your motherboard again...
2007-10-19 12:52 am
試吓先拆走Display Card,然後插另一張卡裝windows看看有否同一問題
如插另一張卡係冇問題入到windows,就跟住換番張display card
如換後又有問題,就肯定display card安裝有料到
再決定係bios setup
或 display card 本身有defects
或 driver 問題了

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:51:31
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