
2007-10-18 5:41 am
now,write your diamante related to shopping.what subjects could you write about if you have one subject?what opposite subjects could you write about?write your ideas in the table.one idea has been given to you for each type of diamante.

ideas for shopping diamante
one subject:_shopping centres_,________?_______, ________?_____. (兩個)

two opposite subject:_supermarket and wet market_, _____?______ ,______?____.(兩個)

回答 (1)

2007-10-20 9:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
for the first one, you can use the below:
shopping arcade, shopping mall, shopping plaza, shopping complex

and for the opposite one, you can use:
cut-rate store*, discount store, flea market

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