英轉中 thx!!!

Good morning, everybody. Nowadays, mobile phone has become more and more popular and almost all of us have one. It is not only a stuff which is for communication, but also contains many utilities, such as photo-taking, MP3, radio, hand-free, messages, etc. It is also a sign of fashion as a model cell phone has an appealing outlook, the weight is light and the colour is sharp. Due to the advance of mobile phone, the prices for selling keep surging.

Although it is expensive, I deeply believe that it is a necessity for us to possess one : ) That's all I want to say about mobile phones. Thank you very much.

回答 (6)

2007-10-18 6:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning, everybody. Nowadays, mobile phone has become more and more popular and almost all of us have one. It is not only a stuff which is for communication, but also contains many utilities, such as photo-taking, MP3, radio, hand-free, messages, etc. It is also a sign of fashion as a model cell phone has an appealing outlook, the weight is light and the colour is sharp. Due to the advance of mobile phone, the prices for selling keep surging.

Although it is expensive, I deeply believe that it is a necessity for us to possess one : ) That's all I want to say about mobile phones. Thank you very much.

早晨好, 大家。現今, 流動電話成為了越□越更加普遍和我們大家幾乎有一。這是不僅是為通信的材料, 而且包含許多公共事業, 譬如相片採取, MP3, 收音機, 無手, 消息, 等。這並且是時尚的標誌因為一個式樣手機有一個吸引人的外型, 重量是光並且顏色是鋒利的。由於流動電話前進, 價格為賣保留湧起。
雖然它是昂貴的, 我深深地相信, 這是必要使我們擁有一個: ) 是所有我想要說關於流動電話。謝謝。
2007-11-11 3:32 am
.............重量是光...無手, 咩來ga? 咁都打出來......好心唔好用網上果d la!
e d 人仲唔係自己加自己分~~......

2007-10-18 5:17 am
早安,各位。 現今,手提電話變得越來越受流行,幾乎所有人都有一個。 這不僅是一種東西來通訊, 而且包含很多功用,例如拍照片,MP3,收音機,免提,訊息等等。 手機的外表都是一個時裝的標誌,輕身的機身,鮮豔的顏色。 由於手機的發展,出售的價格一直急升。 雖然它很昂貴,但我深深相信我們是有需要擁有—部的。這些就是我想講有關手提電話的事,多謝。

2007-10-17 21:19:10 補充:
2007-10-18 5:14 am
樓上的, "冇手" 都譯得出. 唔好害人喇. hand-free 係 "免提裝置" 呀,

出題的 如果編野 係由 中文人寫既, 點解唔問返 作者呢.

"手機好好用, 貴貴我都買"
2007-10-18 5:12 am
早晨好, 大家。現今, 流動電話成為了越□越更加普遍和我們大家幾乎有一。這是不僅是為通信的材料, 而且包含許多公共事業, 譬如相片採取, MP3, 收音機, 無手, 消息, 等。這並且是時尚的標誌因為一個式樣手機有一個吸引人的外型, 重量是光並且顏色是鋒利的。由於流動電話前進, 價格為賣保留湧起。雖然它是昂貴的, 我深深地相信, 這是必要使我們擁有一: ) 是所有我想要說關於流動電話。感謝
2007-10-18 5:06 am
早安,每人。 現下,移動電話已經變得越來越受歡迎,幾乎我們都有一個。 這不僅是是為通訊的一種材料, 而且包含很多實用程式,例如拍照片,MP3,收音機,無手,消息,等等 一部模型移動電話有一種請求的觀點,這也是一個時裝的標誌,重量是淺的,顏色是敏銳的。 由於移動電話的發展,出售的價格一直急漲。

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