10點Can someone help me to make up a sentence for each word ?

2007-10-18 4:53 am


回答 (2)

2007-10-18 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. admonition \ad-muh-NISH-uhn\, noun:
a Gentle or friendly reproof.
b. Counseling against a fault or oversight; friendly caution or warning.

As this is the first time Bill made this mistake, the committee decided to give him an admonition rather than a written warning.


a: to take in and utilize as nourishment : absorb into the system
b: to take into the mind and thoroughly comprehend
c: to make similar
d: to absorb into the culture or mores of a population or group

The government sponsored a cultural education program to help new immigrants get assimilated into the society.
Yu-min was only five when he arrived in the U.S. and he quickly assimilated himself into the new environment.


3. phenomenon
a. a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable.
b. something that is impressive or extraordinary.
c. a remarkable or exceptional person; prodigy; wonder.
d. Philosophy.

William Hung's rise from failed music show contestant to stardom is a phenomenon.
By observing the phenomenon of falling objects, Newton discovered the law of gravity.


4. skeptically
adverb: having, or showing, doubt

"You really think you can jump from here to the next building?" He asked skeptically.
Tim's wife looked at him skeptically when he tried to explain about the lipstick mark on his skirt.


5. assuage
a. To make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe: assuage her grief. See Synonyms at relieve.
b. To satisfy or appease (hunger or thirst, for example).
c. To pacify or calm: assuage their chronic insecurity.

The cold water assuaged his thirst.
She hugged the little child tightly to assuage her fear.


6. daub
a. To cover or smear with a soft adhesive substance such as plaster, grease, or mud.
b. To apply with quick or crude strokes

Seeing that she was running late, Rita hurriedly daubed some makeup onto her face and headed out of her house.
The child daubed some glue onto the back of his drawing and pasted it onto the wall.


7. excruciating
causing extreme bodily or mental pain

The excruciating pain in his body makes him want to kill himself to end the suffering.
Mr. Chan found his son's rock music very excruciating.
2007-10-18 5:02 am
參考: 自已

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