
2007-10-18 4:40 am
He said that Linda always goes to school by bus.← 這句話的tense有沒有問題?

As I faced the giant wall, I noticed a child standing next to me in even greater awe of the towering selection of footwear.

回答 (6)

2007-10-18 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
He said that Linda always goes to school by bus.
1.呢句係 reported speech。reported speech 雖然係覆述人地講o既o野(即係 past),但如果o個句o野其實係未發生o既事或常規/經常發生,就會用 future / present simple 講。
本句講 linda o既習慣,應用 simple present,唔應該因為用 reported speech 改為 past / 因為有 already 而改用 present perfect。即係冇錯。

As I faced the giant wall, I noticed a child standing next to me in even greater awe of the towering selection of footwear.
as 好多時都係作「因為」解,但亦可以作「當...o既時候」解,正如呢句。譯文如下:
2007-10-18 5:24 am
 He said that Linda always goes to school by bus係沒問題的...一定岩,沒可能係always went ,係因為 你係話always,姐係平時啦,係沒可能會went..said 可以+上 go 係因為只不個係話果個人之前話,但話的Linda做的係慣常做的野做係present tense..so  e係一定岩.
 e個要翻譯的野好像係錯wo ==..e到話我向住巨人牆<<如果話長城係great wall>>,發現一個小朋友係我附近,他的氣勢仲強個高聳的被選拔的鞋類.
參考: 我
2007-10-18 4:53 am
He said that Linda always goes to school by bus.個tense错
修改為:用過去式的話:he said that Linda always went to school by bus.
用現在式的話:he say that Linda always goes to school by bus.
參考: ME
2007-10-18 4:52 am
參考: me
2007-10-18 4:47 am
He said that Linda always went to school by bus.

2007-10-17 20:50:53 補充:
2007-10-18 4:46 am
He said that Linda always goes to school by bus
以上一句我覺得應該係went to school先岩

As I faced the giant wall, I noticed a child standing next to me in even greater awe of the towering selection of footwear.
因為我面對了巨型牆壁, 我注意孩子站立在我旁邊在鞋類的參天的選擇的更加巨大的敬畏。 <--上網翻譯,唔一定岩
參考: 自己

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