
functions:picture-ta king,MP3/radio,hand- free,messages......
mobile phone:price
appearance:weight,co lour,model
Study the mind map carefully.You'll find three main ideal(functions,appe arance and price)you can talk about your mobile phone.
Good morning,everybody.Mo bile phones are very popular nowdays and almost all of us have one....
That's all l want to say about my mobile phone.Thank you.

回答 (1)

2007-10-18 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning, everybody. Nowadays, mobile phone has become more and more popular and almost all of us have one. It is not only a stuff which is for communication, but also contains many utilities, such as photo-taking, MP3, radio, hand-free, messages, etc. It is also a sign of fashion as a model cell phone has an appealing outlook, the weight is light and the colour is sharp. Due to the advance of mobile phone, the prices for selling keep surging. Although it is expensive, I deeply believe that it is a necessity for us to possess one : ) That's all I want to say about mobile phones. Thank you very much.
參考: Me, I hope this can help you : )

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