
2007-10-18 2:15 am

1. AB is a metal rod. It is being heated at end A.Finally, will the average kinetic energy of the atoms at end B be equal to that of the atoms at end A? Please explain.

2. 是否所有物質都有solid, liquid, gas 共三種states?請解釋。

xxxxxx1122: 題一,我也是認為答案是yes.因為heat is transfered from end A to end B by conduction.Though the atoms at end A will vibrate vigorously first, finally, the temp. at end B must be the same of that at end A.


但根據MODELLED ANS: temp. at end B< temp. at end A∴average KE of atoms at end B< that of atoms at end A 這怎解釋?

回答 (1)

2007-10-18 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.yes,it&#39;s because the average KE is equal in the same things,but KE at A and at B may have different KE
2.NO,I(Iodine) is an example that has no liquid,it subline from soild to gas

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