
2007-10-18 2:11 am
The three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 3:5:7.Find the largest angle of the triangle.
唔該幫下手~!! thx~!!

回答 (5)

2007-10-18 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
180*3/(3+5+7) = 36'
180*5/(3+5+7) = 60'
180*7/(3+5+7) = 84'

2007-10-17 18:15:28 補充:
the largest angle = 84'
2007-10-18 3:09 am
The largest angle=180X7/(3+5+7)=84度
2007-10-18 2:21 am
the largest angle is 84'
參考: shieley
2007-10-18 2:20 am
因為一個任何triangle的三隻angles的和是 180度.
The largest angle is:
180 x 7/ (3+5+7)
=180 x 7/15
=12 x 7
Therefore, the largest angle is 84 度.

Hence, the 2 large angle :
180 x 5/ (3+5+7)
=180 x 5/15
=12 x 5
Therefore, the 2 large angle is 84 度.

Hence, the smallest angle :
180 -84 -60
Therefore, the smallest angle is 36 度.

Hope i can help u

2007-10-17 18:21:08 補充:
sorry, "Therefore, the 2 large angle is 60 度."
2007-10-18 2:19 am
the largest angle of the triangle:
SO the largest angle of the triangle is 84.
你要自己加番d 單位上去喎,因為我打唔到...sorry!
參考: me~

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