
2007-10-18 1:31 am
Ivan : I'd like Pig Cafe

Jenny : It is more expensive than Blue Cafe. It is dirtier too. There is rubbish on the ground all the time.

Mum : I don't like Pig Cafe. It's also noisier. The music is always very loud.
Ivan : But I want to have steaks.

Dad : That food is not healthy. The food at Blue Cafe is more delicious and healthier than that of Golden Restaurant.

為什麼healthier than後要用that?

回答 (2)

2007-10-18 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
用dirtier,因為Jenny之前正將Blue Cafe與Pig Cafe比較,所以就毋須再說,人就知道it is dirtier (than Blue Cafe too)
用noisier,是因為他們三人的談話中,正是談及Blue Cafe與Pig Cafe的比較,所以,用比較級
that是代表:the food,外國人常用that代表一句片語,以免重覆,累贅:全句你可以看成
The food at Blue Cafe is more delicious and healthier than the food of Golden Restaurant.

2007-10-17 18:02:27 補充:
若果你不用that,那麼人就會覺得你說:Blue Cafe的食物比Golden Restaurant(這酒店本身而不是她的食物)更好味,更健康。其實這句的真正意思是:Blue Cafe的食物比Golden Restaurant的食物更好味,更健康。又因之前提過The food,故之後用that就可以(這叫省略)
2007-10-18 2:30 am
dirtier & noisier:
其實是有比較的. 正如 Jenny 不會說 [Pig Café is more expensive] 而用 [It], 如果在對話中每一句說話都用完整的句子, 是會非常累贅的; 所以 [It is dirtier too] 的可以看成是 [It is dirtier (THAN BLUE CAFE) too]. 而 [It's also noisier] 則看成是 [It's also noisier (THAN BLUE CAFE)].

又譬如別人問你: Do you like the film? 你會答: yes, I do. 或者 no, I don't. 甚至 yes/no. 而不會說: yes, I like the film 或 no, I don't like the film.

healthier than:
後面是 [that of Golden Restaurant] 而不單純是 [that]. [that of Golden Restaurant] 是與 [the food at Blue Cafe] (或者 the food OF Blue Cafe) 比較的. 意思是 Blue Cafe 的食物比 Golden Restaurant 的食物美味及健康. 因為一般不會說 [The food at Blue Cafe is more delicious and healthier than THE FOOD of Golden Restaurant], 而會簡化成現在的說法.

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