Is winning everying?? (用英文答)

2007-10-18 1:08 am
Is winning everying?? (用英文答)
plz quickly!!!!! Yes or No???

回答 (4)

2007-10-18 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Definitely not.

Often, one learns more by losing. When faced with a stronger opponent, one can study the oppoenent, learn from his strengths to improve oneself, so that one become stronger in the future. One is also motivated to develop the time and willpower to become better and more skillful. A winner may often become conceited and, believing himself to be the best, do not see the need for improvement or vigilence, which eventually leads to his downfall.

Also, there is a saying "to win a battle and lose a war." Sometimes it is necessary to lose some battles, to sacrify small things, to achieve the bigger goal.

Moreover, in a game or other activities, the participation, the friendship of the team, and the testing of one's abilities can be more valuable, and a worthwhile experience in itself, regardless of whether one wins or loses.
2007-10-18 3:31 am
Surely not, it is because if there's no losers there's comes no winners,thus you'd butter learn how tofind the skill of winning while you're losing
2007-10-18 1:39 am
Definitely not. Learning how to win is.
2007-10-18 1:35 am
No.winning is NOT everything.Because losers means a lot too..without losers,there are no winners!! HAHAHA!!! x]
參考: meme

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