
2007-10-17 11:19 pm


回答 (1)

2007-10-18 4:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
The importance of environmental protection
Human society in extreme use of natural resources, economic development, the ecological damage to the environment very survival of mankind's influence, therefore awareness of environmental protection and ecological conservation concepts rise. The rapid depletion of natural resources, has far exceeded the capacity of its renewable restored, environmental conservation is the urgent mission of the 21st century. All over the world people have a deep sense of the importance of environmental protection, all bets efforts in the establishment of environmental groups, the formulation of environmental protection laws and regulations, and international trade sanctions through the means with a view to curb ecological destruction. Following the creation of a Taiwan economic miracle, we must achieve in the international competitive advantage, one seat to survival, not just only strengthen business niche, but to focus on conservation work, environmental protection deeply rooted in each enterprise, each of the minds of the people, making it a corporate and national competitiveness.

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