Plx help me to solve the question of normal distrubution

2007-10-17 8:11 am
It is the first time to ask question here. I have a question in my assignment cannot solve, plx help me to solve that question, plx, plx, i reli need the answer, otherwise, i will very sad ga

Let x~N(u, a^2). Find k such that P(u-ka < x < u+2ka) =0.8.
where the a is the sigma, i cannot type it in IE, so use a instead.

thx!!! ^^

回答 (2)

2007-10-17 10:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let x~N(u, σ^2). Find k such that P(u- kσ < x < u+2kσ) =0.8.
where the σ is the sigma
P(u- kσ < x < u+2kσ)
=P[(u- kσ-u)/σ <(x-u)/σ < (u+2kσ-u)/σ]
=P[- k < Z < 2k]
P(u- kσ < x < u+2kσ)=0.8
P(- k < Z < 2k)=0.8
k=0.95 (use trial and error)
2007-10-22 10:48 pm

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