
2007-10-17 7:54 am

回答 (1)

2007-10-17 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
學緊攝影... but you MUST plan to spend more $$$ on it!!

Just share my experience...
Budget $5,000 .... if you 學緊攝影... you should know relationship of 光圈先決 and 快門先決. MOST DC cam cannot have such function... therefore... you must nee Prosumer model... but if you interest on take photos... I suggest you to get DSLR... it was because, even the low end model have some limit, but the point is.. good photos depend on the lens NOT body... and also depend on your experience... if you have MORE interest... you still can spend $$ on lens investment... this is MOST return value. And even you upgarde the body, the lens still can use... BUT

1. Make sure what brand name you want
2. TRY To avoid buy the lens ONLY for digital.... for long term investment,,, Full Frame will be lowend model... if you buy for digital lens.. you may not able to use on Full Frame model
3. Only spend $$ on your afford level.. DON'T compare... for example, 70~300m f3.5~5.6 Vs 70~200m f2.8 ... you got 200~300m longer.. but 光圈 only have f5.6, For me, I prefer save $$ and buy 70~200m f2.8 + 300m f4.0 to cover my range... I need quality!! Of course 70~300 (less than $2000) but 70~200 f2.8 ($11,000) + 300f4 ($7000) this is the value...
4. Just buy the lens you always use the range.... if you are NOT always use the range, such as 300m.. no need to spend $$ rather you have $$ on hands.
5. Keep take photos and experience...


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