Where can I find law?

2007-10-17 7:53 am
I am a young boy who is interested in law. I am reading the basic law at this moment, but I have found that it is to far from our life, which most of them are mentioning about the authorities and the differences between China and Hong Kong. I am quite interested in the law about other thing, such as the definition of hurting a person, definition of stoleing, etc. Please give me some suggestion, and the way you find as well. Please, thanks a lot!

If you are a lawyer or a barrister, I hope you can contact me by email, which is [email protected]. I am willing to talk to a lawyer to know more about this job. Look forward to your reply!!!!!!!


I am hoping the second person, to suggest me how can I find the acticles bout legal principles, which you mentioned about. I would like to read them on the website because I am stuudying in UK... May you have a detailer explanaion of how to study law for interested or preparing for future? Email?

回答 (4)

2007-10-17 5:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
讀 law 的人第一步並非讀法律的條文, 而係學 legal principles, 就例如 common law legal system (普通法)的特點, 這些都係 soft skills, 一旦學成無論你再睇什麼條文都有一定的基礎, 所以的建議你買一本法律入門的書睇下;

正如上面師兄所講, 認識一下香港的法律體制都係幾好的;

2007-10-19 01:31:34 補充:
下面的師兄想講什麼 ? 不如用中文吧.
2007-10-20 8:40 am
Go to the website of the Department of Justice to get some basic concepts first:-

For definition of different kinds of offences, please check Bilingual laws information system:-

You might wish to see Theft Ordinance (Cap. 210) and Offences against the persons Ordinance (Cap. 212)
2007-10-19 12:47 am
If you interested in law, I just you learning HKU - Diploma in Legal Studies or HKCU etc University.
2007-10-17 8:07 am
you may go in this website ( www.legislation.gov.hk ), i hope this can solve out your question. Good luck and take care

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