
2007-10-17 6:34 am

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2007-10-17 6:39 am
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family (n.)

1. 家,家庭;家人[C][G]
My family is large.

His family are all waiting for him.

2. 家族[C][G]
They are members of the Royal family.

3. 子女[S]
She has a large family.

4. 【動】【植】科;【化】【數】【天】族;【語】語族[C]

參考: =]
2007-10-17 7:34 am
1. parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not.
2. the children of one person or one couple collectively: We want a large family.
3. the spouse and children of one person: We're taking the family on vacation next week.
4. any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins: to marry into a socially prominent family.
5. all those persons considered as descendants of a common progenitor.
6. Chiefly British. approved lineage, esp. noble, titled, famous, or wealthy ancestry: young men of family.
7. a group of persons who form a household under one head, including parents, children, and servants.
8. the staff, or body of assistants, of an official: the office family.
9. a group of related things or people: the family of romantic poets; the halogen family of elements.
10. a group of people who are generally not blood relations but who share common attitudes, interests, or goals and, frequently, live together: Many hippie communes of the sixties regarded themselves as families.
11. a group of products or product models made by the same manufacturer or producer.
12. Biology. the usual major subdivision of an order or suborder in the classification of plants, animals, fungi, etc., usually consisting of several genera.
13. Slang. a unit of the Mafia or Cosa Nostra operating in one area under a local leader.
14. Linguistics. the largest category into which languages related by common origin can be classified with certainty: Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, and Austronesian are the most widely spoken families of languages. Compare stock (def. 12), subfamily (def. 2).
15. Mathematics. a. a given class of solutions of the same basic equation, differing from one another only by the different values assigned to the constants in the equation.
b. a class of functions or the like defined by an expression containing a parameter.
c. a set.
2007-10-17 7:27 am

I have a family. = 我有一個完滿家庭。

My family is kinds. = 我的家人很仁慈的。

在聖經裏說 : Family = circle of relatives = 同家人有圓滿的關係,向外擴張(開枝散葉),成為部族,而且擁有貨攤, 畜欄, 廄, 出售攤。有充足的糧食給部族使用,也有足夠的飼料餵養牲口。
參考: 我
2007-10-17 6:53 am

2007-10-17 6:47 am
Family = Father And Mother I Love You
小時候係電視學番黎= =
參考: tv
2007-10-17 6:45 am
group noun
1 [C or U] a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children:
A new family has/have moved in next door.
I come from a large family - I have three brothers and two sisters.
He hasn't any family.
He's American but his family (= relatives in the past) come/comes from Ireland.
This film is good family entertainment (= something that can be enjoyed by parents and children together).
How does family life (= being married, having children, etc.) suit you?
a large group of related types of animal or plant:
The lion is a member of the cat family.

2 [C usually singular; U] the children of a family:
Women shouldn't have to choose between career and family (= having children).
Paul and Alison are hoping to start a family (= have children) soon.
My dad died when we were small so my mum raised the family on her own.

3 [C] a pair of adult animals and their babies:
We've got a family of squirrels living in our garden.
參考: hkcity dictionary
2007-10-17 6:40 am
可拆解為“Father And Mother I Love You”,故family解作“家庭”

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