why the reactivity of halogen element is decrease?

2007-10-17 6:21 am
why the reactivity of halogen element is decrease under the group?

回答 (2)

2007-10-17 7:24 am
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鹵素 (halogen) 原子的最外層電子數是7,它們趨向得一粒電子達到穩定貴族氣體 (noble gas) 的電子排列。位置越高的元素,越容易得到電子,因為電子殼越少,原子核和最外層電子殼距離越短,對來自外界電子的吸引力越大。


The number of outermost shell electrons in the atom of halogen is 7. They tend to gain 1 electron to obtain the stable electronic arrangement as noble gas. The halogen at high position, they are easy to gain electron. It is because they have less electron shell, the distance between the nucleus and the outermost shell is short, the attractive force between the nucleus and the electron form surroundings is strong.
2007-10-17 3:21 pm
由於卥素這一族,越下ge 元素,原子ge體積就越大,電子殼越多,所以就不斷增加吸多粒電子ge難度

The number of outermost shell electrons of halogen is 7.
Since the electric configuration of noble gas is the most stable(8 outermost shell electrons , except for helium),so halogen will gain an electron to become stable.
When halogen element down in group,the size of halogen atom increase and the distacne between outermost shell and nuclues increase,the attraction between the outermost shell electron and nuclues will decrease.It is more difficut to gain electron in low attention....
參考: 中英文都好差=.=講得唔好唔好怪=.=

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