F.2 Science

2007-10-17 4:59 am
1."Carbon dioxide is formed when fuels burn in air because most fuels contain carbon." Is it true? If not, please give explanation.

2. Only green plants carry out photosynthesis because they have _____ which can absorb light. They are called ______.

3. We can link living things according to their feeding relationships. It is called a food chain which usually starts with a _____.

回答 (3)

2007-10-30 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. T

2. leaf, chlorophyll

3. green plant

2007-10-31 23:49:31 補充:
Because the fuels contain the CH4 when it burna with air

then CH4 + 2O2 = Co2 + 2H2O
參考: Me
2007-10-31 2:05 am
1. true
2. chlorophyll
3. plant
2007-10-17 5:13 am
3.food chain

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