I am so down

2007-10-16 10:41 pm
Our English shool closed after 20 years, now i have nothing to do,no incomes, i am a only member to support my family, my son is only 2.5 years old, i don't have too much money left, i can't work now, because i need to solve out things with the Labour Dept, Consumer Council, Police and maybe Edb. We never think of cheat anybody, we are trying our best to run the school and helped out many HK citizens is their english. What shall i do now ?

回答 (2)

2007-10-16 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i'm guessing u r an english teacher?
one way is to claim unemployment benefits or you can take up some part-time tutoring jobs.....so the time is really flexible

and later on if you have sort out most of your things on hand, you can teach in a proper school or those HKCEC tutor school right?

i had similar things happened to me before, what i have learnt is, honestly, don't think of the past, the only thing you need to concentrate on is how to make a living and get yourself out of this situation.
參考: myself
2007-10-16 11:27 pm
two comments (or advice)
1. You had better enhance your English Skill.
2. You should find social welfare society to help you out.

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