
2007-10-16 8:36 pm
Language is the dress of thought

please give some example

回答 (3)

2007-10-17 3:53 am
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「Language is the dress of thought」「語言是思維的外衣」是18世紀詞彙學家 Samuel Johnson (1709- 1784) 的名句。

Language is the dress of thought: and as the noblest mien, or most graceful action, would be degraded and obscured by a garb appropriated to the gross employments of rustics or mechanics, so the most heroic sentiments will lose their efficacy, and the most splendid ideas will drop their magnificence, if they are conveyed by words used commonly upon low and trivial occasions, debased by vulgar mouths, and contaminated by inelegant applications.
-- Samuel Johnson, Life of Cowley


Expression is the Dress of Thought,Pope, Alexander (1688-1744).
Style is the dress of thoughts, Lord Chesterfield (1694 - 1773)

2007-10-16 9:15 pm
dress can be used to present something in a way that makes it seem better or different. 演繹.
language is the dress of thought 可解作語言是思想的演繹 或 語言演譯思想. 要怎樣翻繹還要看全文的上文下理, 不能一概而論.
2007-10-16 9:07 pm
思想是看不見, 語言是思想的服裝, 表示把看不見的東西, 成為可見的東西.
例如弟弟心想去海洋公園, 他對爸爸說:"爸爸, 可否星期日帶我去海洋公園?"
過程是由思想成為具體的說話.正確的說, 語言是思想的工具.

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