
2007-10-16 8:15 pm




如果我要去個D地方係要轉車會唔會係要買2次飛?例如我由新宿去到Hello kitty land,係唔係要去到調布站轉車時再買一次飛?轉車個時會唔會好易轉錯車架?


東京迪士尼有d咩係可以用fast pass?

回答 (3)

2007-10-17 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Depends on where you stay and the time you arrive.

(1) JR NEX Narita Express 成田快線 but you have to use "Suica + JR NEX coupon". It costs 1500円 for going into the city and it takes ~1hr 28min to 新宿. Going to other station, you need to transfer to other lines.

(2) Keisei 京成本線 local train to 日暮里 or 上野. It costs 1000円 and it takes 1hr 20min. If you stay in other places, you need to change e.g. at 日暮里 to other stations in 山手線 (transfer to 新宿 takes 25mins). But there are escalators in 日暮里 station and transfer from Keisei line to JR山手線 is easy and convenient. Also, there is a counter inside the station and you can pay the fee for your transfer and there is no need to "go out" and buy new ticket for JR山手線 transfer. If you use Skyliner of Keisei line, it takes 1hr to but the fee doubles 1920円 (still cheaper than JR NEX normal fare) and you can pay the JR transfer fee at Keisei counter when you buy the ticket.


Bus is expensive and there might be traffic jam.
JR and Keisei train are both convenient. As l said before, there are escalators at 日暮里and it is convenient to transfer.


When you arrive at Narita, goto the counter with JR or Keisei sign. The staff all speak English. Tell them your destination and they will give you the ticket. If you want the local train, tell them "no express" ok.


Look at the map above the machines. Check the fee and press the correct button. There is English menu, the icon is at the top right corner of the screen. The machine accept coins and bank notes.

如果我要去個D地方係要轉車會唔會係要買2次飛?例如我由新宿去到Hello kitty land,係唔係要去到調布站轉車時再買一次飛?轉車個時會唔會好易轉錯車架?

If you are using the same traffic system, there is no need to buy 2 tickets e.g. transfer to different line in the same Tokyo Metro.
But if you take other system, usually you have to buy tickets again. But there are some stations where special arrangement is made and there is no need to "go out" and buy ticket for the 2nd traffic.
The signs are very clear and there is no need to worry in taking the wrong train/subway.


The auction is done at 5am~6am. After 6am, all are finished. But you have to note that due to the flash of the camera which affected the fish buyers, the auction is not open to the public now. Therefore there is no use to go there early. But still you have to go there before 12noon as most of the shops will be closed by noon. Also, no need to go on Sunday or Japan public holiday as the shops will be closed.

東京迪士尼有d咩係可以用fast pass?

l dont know
2007-10-16 8:44 pm
(1) 可以搭機場巴士直到大部份酒店門口, 價錢同車程跟JR差不多! (機場有車票賣)

(2) 行李大都唔緊要, 因而巴士係有專放行李格, 不用搬上車, 有人幫你,
好過JR 因為好多站都月台去出閘處係冇電梯, 要自己搬!

(3 + 4) 火車賣票係用自動售賣機! 去邊就睇返幾多錢(跟價錢, 好易明)
冇銀仔唔緊要, 食銀紙都得!

(5) 其實搭車好容易, 不過最緊要攞定張車站表喺身, 知道乜站就得!

(6) 如果去築地睇魚市場, 7:00am 已經差不多收晒! 要就6:00am 前要去到!

(7) Disney Fast Pass : 你要入場時佢會俾張介紹你, 裡面有mark!
2007-10-16 8:44 pm



東京迪士尼fast pass係咩黎架,都冇听過ge?

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