Where to buy lights in HK island side?

2007-10-16 7:04 pm
I am going to move in a new flat and I need to buy some lights.

In Morrison Hill Road, the lights are quite expensive.

Where can I buy lights with reasonable price in HK island side (near WanChai or Causeway Bay area)?


回答 (2)

2007-10-17 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
犘理臣山一帶是港島區最集中賣燈的地方. 跟住就係在菲林明道附近有兩三間, 但價錢都貴. 銅鑼灣近聖保祿中學附近有2 間. 但仲貴. 如果您要便一些, 可去宜家睇睇. 但款式一盤. 您可以去旺角砵蘭街一帶再睇睇. 可能會便宜一些.
2007-10-19 1:10 am
其實香港喺邊區買都差唔多啦, 你指貴, 係唔係你識貨睇啱嘅都係歐美入口貨果幾間, 其實灣仔果頭有成20多間燈舖, 有d係經濟實惠, 當然係祖國出品啦. 如果你唔介意用國產, 又想平多d, 又唔怕重, 可選擇到深圳買, 起碼平三分一. (款式同香港差不多)

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