(20點)我在California考左車牌,可唔可以去Ontario轉Full G?

2007-10-16 12:19 pm
可唔可以去Waterloo(Ontario,Canada)轉Full G?

你指的"指定日期"會唔會少於一個月內? 我可以從什麼途徑查出"指定日期"即係幾時?


我係去Waterloo讀大學(4年~5年?) 但我駕駛經驗少於半年...

回答 (2)

2007-10-16 12:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以用美國車牌喺加拿大合法地開車. 好多人都係咁樣兩地過境. 問題係如果你長期喺加拿大居住, 就應該要喺指定日期內轉加拿大Ontario駕駛執照. 同埋要考過試. 就算唔駛考路試都要考筆試. 冇限定你要幾耐考到. 而且就算肥咗都唔會沒收你本身嘅加州駕駛執照.

2007-10-16 07:19:22 補充:
This is what I found from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Looks like the time frame is 60 days if you are a new resident:http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/visiting.htm

2007-10-16 07:19:43 補充:
New ResidentsIf you are a new resident in Ontario and have a valid driver's licence from another province, state or country, you can use it for up to 60 days after you move to Ontario. If you want to keep driving in Ontario, you must get an Ontario driver's licence.

2007-10-16 07:19:58 補充:
You must use your Ontario licence when you are issued one. New Ontario residents have 30 days before they have to register their vehicles and get Ontario licence plates and vehicle permit. Click here for more information on Getting an Ontario Driver's Licence or Licensing a Vehicle in Ontario.

2007-10-16 07:21:01 補充:
I live in the USA and is about 3 hours south of the Windsor border, travel to Toronto about twice a year, using my USA driver licence.

2007-10-16 12:30:42 補充:
STiCK's information is incorrect. I got lost once in Toronto and got onto 407 (the toll road in Toronto) by accident and I received my toll bill at my residency, which is in the US! My friend borrowed my car once driving to Toronto and same thing happened, I still received the bill!

2007-10-16 12:38:28 補充:
In case if you got pull over by the police, they will ask you what you are doing in Waterloo. They can question you why you don't switch for a valid Ontario driver licence if you have an address there.

2007-10-16 12:38:45 補充:
Also, they can still issue you a ticket even if you have a US-issued licence. Trust me, because I had one 10 years ago.

2007-10-16 21:00:50 補充:
You may not have to switch, and can use your Cal driver licence as long as you keep your "foreign student" status. Just don't expect you can get away from any ticket at all. Drive carefully. Waterloo is not a big city so everybody knows everybody.
2007-10-16 8:27 pm
The MTO will not issue you Full G license, but they will issue you G2...
On the other hand, if you are using American driver's license, then you are ok to drive in Canada, Canada does not require you to obtain a canaidan driving license to drive within Canada. You can drive for an unlimited time... untill you become canadian, then you must drive with your Canaidan license, but untill then, as long as you are still American (not canadian), you can drive with your American license... If you are there to study, and not planning to buy a vehicle in Canada, I dont suggest you get a Canadian license, because insurence is very expensive!

PS: if you get yourself a Canadian (Ontario) driver's license, then you must use it when you are driving... so, it also means that if your canadian driver's license if suspended for any reason, then your American license will be no longer Valid in Canada. Where as Canada cannot suspend your American license.

My friend is American and holding New Jersey license can NJ plated car, and driving in Toronto for the past 8 years (with NJ plates and License). no problems EVER! ... cops dont even bother him, and even so, just lets him go! you dont even have to pay for Toll Highway (407), becuase they wont mail the bill to another country! lol

2007-10-16 12:32:02 補充:
according to bro upstairs... if you're a new resident in Ontario...

2007-10-16 12:32:20 補充:
but if you are going to Ontario to study or to work... technicallly you dont have to be a resident! you can travel back and forth to work or to study! so, technically, as long as you cross the boarder once every 2 month, you are fine!

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