
2007-10-16 10:30 am




回答 (2)

2007-10-25 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After operation, u may feel pain, swelling and increase temperature over knee joint.beside, the knee joint may stiffness that is cannot fully bend or extend the joint

firstly, u can use ice to apply for 15-20 mins to reduce the pain, swelling.then do some exercise without much pain: to bend the knee and extend the knee fully to reduce stiffness. besides, some strengthening execise for limb can be done. the physiotherpist will teach u.after pain and swelling reduced gradually..about 3-4 week, start the more vigorous strengthening exerccise gradually. the strengthening Ex is vvv important because it can increase the stability of the joint and to prevent further injury.

many cases have good recovery if the management is good.

if not vv vigorous Exercise like jumpping, jogging, all activity can be done. but keeping the strong Muscle around the knee is important as after operation, more high risk to get degeneration of knee joint
2007-10-21 9:42 pm
我就是其中一手術受害者,我是做切除部分手術,已經有一年時間,現在還疼痛無 比,醫生說他們也辦法,應該做的他們都做了,可能已經造成了永久疼痛,叫我慢慢接受疼痛,因為走路受力不 均,現在還影響另外一條腿,不要說回 復原本的活動能力,走半小時路對我來說已經是很不 錯的了。我不是危言聳聽,只是我的親身經歷,你想回復以前的能力,是絕對不可能的了,不過你也未必象我這麼失敗,做不做手術你自己決定了。

2007-10-21 13:44:51 補充:

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